Use the dress of degeneration; take advantage of the consumer (1995)

Following are the original program notes to, and the original texts from, Use the dress of degeneration; take advantage of the consumer, a collaborative performance with Philip von Zweck.

Use the dress of degeneration; take advantage of the consumer

Philip and Alex consider pointing out degeneration.

Philip and Alex create an experience in perception and transmission.

Philip and Alex make noise and play with trucks.

Philip (of the toy) and Alex consider text: how a sign is manipulated.

Philip and Alex explore filtering.

Philip of the real-time and Alex consider process art.

Philip and same Alex.

Philip and Alex take advantage of the degeneration you pointed out in multiple levels.

Philip and Alex use the dress of the consumer to their own ends.

Philip and Alex don't like computers unless they make mistakes.


You/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it don't USE BATERIA, you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it are OPERATED WITH ECHO.

A megaphone of the excellent-light with many such enjoyments “MIC MAKES DE ECHO” you/he/she/it necessarily don't use the source of the power that the real megaphone requires, you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it don't use strong speaker and amplifier etc. With him, we could have good time with the interesting megaphone with echo easily.

“we could PLAY WITH their ECHO.”

The mouth of One makes close their the thick for speaker loudly or sings songs. The ability for one is speak loudly and then the echo better than us could have.


Same megaphone is only used, you/he/she/it shake the the thick lightly and you/ he/ she/ I/he/she/it/you could make the magic voice you/he/she/it find the occasional use.

We put on absentee in a wide street, busy. The man walked before me for the crowds, and he/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you returned to their head and he/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you screamed, “you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it are late. I should hurry.” He/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you ran in before me while their hands kept movement of a side to another if he/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you put on afraid and they try to keep remote a threatening danger. I/ he/ she/ he/ I/he/she/it/you would have preferred to remain in the street because the lights floated in the asphalt you/he/she/it like in the surface of a deep water, dark. But because the man with the hands had happened that ticket, I entered the corridor of the concert. I/ he/ she/ he/ I/he/she/it/you was the last person in the corridor and hardly left in him/ she/ he/ you before the doors closed. The corridor was so strange! There were so many grand pianos, maybe so many eat hundred, place in a light of the orange gathering clouded of the same pain for a procession of the funeral. The sitting of the people to them ray one to the other, the way that they always make to concerts, filling the corridor with murmurs of the[[[ [supressed]]]]. A lady showed me to my piano, enough near the front. I didn't buy them to a[[[ [becayuse]]]] of the program that I saw be space in target. I/ he/ she/ he/ you to the the inverse you/he/she/it of the corridor populate begin[[[ [sh-h-h]]]] of the declaration, and I looked at the platform you/he/she/it see if the man had still arrived. And I then realized so there was no piano in the platform, only a seat. We stood up and we gave a clap when the man went up up in the platform. Their hands no longer moved, and he/ she/ he/ the public arched, he/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you sat down, and he/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you waited for until we stopped giving a clap.

Then we began play. Security was knew the melody, that was for a walked easily and tenderly in the corridor, the same as if only a piano played, but I/ he/ she/ he/ I/he/she/it/you could not remember the names of or the piece or the author. I/ he/ she/ he/ equal could not think what type of music that we played, no equal of which period. When he/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you finished, he/ she/ he/ you stood until us/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it thank it for the applause/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you so now came attacks up like to thunder. Then he/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you sat down in their seat again, their hands in rest as if they had never moved, and we played again. I/ he/ she/ he/ I/he/she/it/you was not very family with the pieces, but he/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you didn't matter, and you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it don't matter now. Everything that I know be that that it was an old type, bewitching of music. he/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you sat down[[[ [quietlyon]]]] their[[[ [chairon]]]] the platform, far far, and when we had finished playing to, he/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you put on awake and he/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you thanked us because we applauded it. And at the end of the afternoon that we gave it to such ovation that we equaled plays a that I/ he/ she/ he/ you/he/she/it repeat!.

the world is full of sounds the song of a bird. the noise of a motor of reaction the music of a parade the roar of an ocean

what are sounds? how the makes to come to us we heard sounds when an object moves the inverse and very quickly, or you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it vibrate. knot a piece of threads of the seam to a marksman of door. maintenance the thread in their hand, shot he I/ he/ she/ he/ signature, then vibrant legitimate he. You/ he/ she/ I/he/she/it/you could hear and you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it see the vibrations. maintenance the most narrow thread to the end and vibrant legitimate he again. the[[[ [vibrartions]]]] he/ she/ he/ you/he/she/it are slower and the pitch is under. the longest the cord the lower the pitch. when you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it play piano, setback of the hammers the strings and fashion that they vibrate. the long strings makes to moo sounds. the short strings vibrates quicker and fashion higher sounds. the number of vibrations of the sounds every second was called frequency. he/ she/ he/ you like the frequency puts you it higher/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it so make the pitch. If the frequency makes too high, we could not hear the sound. we could not hear the sound. we could not hear seem if the[[[ [frequencyis]]]] too low or. the more people hear sounds that have frequencies between 16 and 20000 vibrations per second. many animals hear frequencies that we are skilled to. A “silent” whistle of the dog is silent to humans. the sound that fashions are too high you/he/she/it for their ears hear, but when you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it blow the whistle, their dog comes operation. legitimate you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it travel to their[[[ [ears-]]]] or their dogs[[ [ears-en]]] waves. Sometimes the waves are long, like this. sometimes the waves are short, like this. sometimes waves are high they sometimes are not. the distance of the peak of an a wave to the peak of the next wave called the longitude of wave. the height of a wave was called the width. when the width is small, you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it hear a you/he/she/it still seem. when the width is big, you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it hear a strong legitimate. [[[ [mive]]]] of the waves of the[[[ [soun]]]] for the air. legitimate waves could move for solid materials, too many. we often heard that he/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you comes to us for narrow doors and windows. Long you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it make, one Indians put their ear to the earth you/he/she/it listen to for[[[ [hoofbeats]]]]. I/ he/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you listened to for legitimate waves that he/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you traveled for the solid earth. Legitimate waves could move for water, too many. When nothing with their[[[ [underwater]]]] of head, I scratch a[[ [piedra-]]] or the side of the[[ [piscina-]]] with their fingernail. He/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you will hear the sound. Legitimate waves could move for the air, for material of the solid and for water. Legitimate waves could travel for almost any I/ he/ she/ he/ you/he/she/it sew at all, but they should travel something he/she/it/you completed. Legitimate you/ he/ she/ I/he/she/it/you could not travel for a space completely hole where there is not equal any air. If he/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you visited another planet where there was no air, I/ he/ she/ he/ I/he/she/it/you could hit a drum, setback a whistle, and you impress their feet at the same time. I/ he/ she/ he/ I/he/she/it/you would not hear a sound. Without air trip for, the legitimate waves could not lengthen their ears. Legitimate steps for air to a speed of approximately 1,130 feet every second. You/ he/ she/ he in water travels very quicker; you/he/she/it in quicker solids calm. Movement of the legitimate waves for different types of solids to different speeds. Sometimes, they have a hard time it/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you puts completes at all. When strike of the legitimate waves against a hard surface and you/ he/ she/ I/he/she/it/you could not put completed, they make throw far the inverse. Then we heard an echo. Have been you/ he/ she/ he to something of time in the mountains during a storm? The echoes of the thunder make throw far around of a face of the mountain to another. The sounds collide, and rumble and complaint until finally dies far. You/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it have probably realized that that you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it hear thunder after you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it see the lightning. Truly, they both step at the same time, but legitimate you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it travel many more slowly than light so lengthens later. Echoes of the thunder pass naturally. But they are made some echoes in purpose. An instrument called “legitimate” you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it use icebergs of the discovery of the echoes, submarines, shipwrecks and other objects under the sea. You/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it could have some entertainment with legitimate if you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it use a sleeve of the empty garden for a telephone. Speak end of the he/she/it/you completed and he/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you has their friend it/ she/ he/ he/she/it/you put their ear to the other end. The legitimate waves travel for the air in the sleeve. The speaking tubes in you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it send you only to work like a telephone of the sleeve. So you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it make to the[[[ [stethescope]]]] of a doctor. Fashion another type of telephone for operation a piece of cord for two cups of the papers. Fashion a small hole in the bottom of each cup and maintenance the cord in place with a knot. Stretch that signs. The legitimate waves travel for the cord. Loan a tuning forks of their teacher of the music. You/he/she/it don't work against a table you/he/she/it sharpen and you/he/she/it listen to their legitimate. You/he/she/it don't work again and under the teeth in a bowl of water. Clock the churn in order to make shortening in order to make you the water to shortening of the legitimate waves. The world is full of sounds. They come to us in many ways. Listen to carefully and you/ he/ she/ you/he/she/it discover how many different sounds that you/ he/ she/ I/he/she/it/you could hear.