That Look Upon Your Face (with Sean O'Neill) (2018)

From the program notes:

Alex Keller and Sean O'Neill will use sound, light and video to delineate constantly shifting boundaries within an open space. High-contrast imagery sourced from microscopic video and crude video synthesis will mirror and juxtapose with the sounds created from field recordings and homemade or industrial-grade sound synthesis.

Stroboscopic light and sound that can include a hypnagogic effect may occur.

The artists will periodically interact with the sound space created.

Alex Keller and Sean O'Neill have collaborated in performance and installation pieces since 2015. Using field recordings, vintage telephone test equipment, magnetic oscillators, light and space, their work has addressed the agents and artifacts of change in the urban and acoustic realms.

In 2017, they released an LP called Kruos on the Elevator Bath label, and a CD called LCLX on the Mimeomeme label.

Alex Keller is an audio artist, sound designer, curator and teacher based in Austin, Texas. His engagement with performance, installation, and recording is an outgrowth of his interest in architecture, language, abstraction and music.

Sean O'Neill is a multi-media artist, who explores both the visible light spectrum and the audible frequency range to determine how they influence our lived environments, and vice versa; he has a stated interest in how perception shapes the dynamics of spatiality.

“…a complex, nuanced work of sound art, conjured up from some rather rudimentary sources, largely just field recordings and a telephone test synthesizer. It is a bit of a difficult, unsettling experience at times, but a strong one nonetheless.”

– Creaig Dunton, Brainwashed

Tickets $7 on door.

With support from Austin's Cultural Arts Division.

photos by Tara Bhattacharya Reed

photos by Colin Andrew Sheffield

photo by DJ Malligator

photos by Annelyse Gelman