Susurrus (2018)


Alex Keller, 2018

Field recordings, car stereos, motorcycle speakers, CAT 5 cable, peach tree.

Susurrus is a four channel sound installation using field recordings I made in Austin, Texas in 2018. The recordings are primarily of natural sounds, captured in an urban environment.

For the last ten years or so, I've explored ideas related to acoustic ecology. The urban soundscape is seen in acoustic ecology as tainted and detrimental to the natural soundscape, which is regarded as something inherently pristine. I've tried to create recordings of urban flora and fauna untouched by the urban soundscape, portraying those things as artifacts without context.

Here I'm portraying the anthropocene soundscape, in which the natural and urban worlds are integrated, a truer representation. As an open-ended take on reality it can be compelling in its own right.

Susurrus should gently rest in the termination space between natural and urban soundscapes, rustling in the leaves of a tree.

Thanks to Carl Smith for hosting!